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Lighting Effect

New outside lighting for the Sacred Convent of Assisi

About Project

The new system, at the Sacred Convent of Assisi, was switched on in the presence of the Pope, for the 25th anniversary of the day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace, on 27 October 2011.

The Sacred Convent basically had two requirements: the first was to reduce the energy consumption of the old system, which used floodlights with a 1000 W halogen lamp for lighting the vertical walls of the Sacred Convent, while the porticoes were lit by 150 W halogen floodlights. The second was to obtain lighting that would be the same all over the complex and which could highlight and show off, even at night, the aspect of the complex that was seen by day.

All of that was achieved with 85 Maxiwoody floodlights rated between 150 and 250 W plus 90 Miniwoody 20 W HIT for the porticoes. Two iPro luminaires were fitted to light the Lower Basilica entrance, set on the outermost columns of the renaissance atrium.

The Maxiwoody luminaire was chosen for its extreme versatility: available with many power ratings and optics as well as the possibility of fitting many accessories with a light flow that can be directed, screened and expanded.

The main difficulties faced were linked to the height of the surfaces to be lit and the limited distance at which the floodlights had to be placed in some cases.

On the walls of the Western side lighting to a height of 50 metres was needed: with evenness obtained thanks to the use of medium optics for lighting the highest section and a wide flood for the lower part.

The floodlights also light the entire expanse of the wall extending along the Southern Palace the Main Refectory and the Friars’ Dormitory, connected to the Lower Basilica. Along this huge surface a superspot optic was only used once, directed onto the sculpture depicting Pope Sixtus IV.

The highest power ratings, 250 W, were used to light the walls, and 150 W for the Church. Uniform lighting was also needed for the facade of the Upper Basilica, and the decision was made to lessen the shadows in the bays of the small corridor at the side of the facade as well as the shadows of the bell tower’s two-light and three-light windows.

To light the bell tower, floodlights with 150 W metal halide lamps were placed on the roof of the inner courtyard.

The lamp used is the Mastercolor with 3000 K colour temperature. This lamp was also fitted in the old floodlights which in some particular positions were not substituted.

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    Sacred Convent of Assisi

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