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Lighting Effect

A special project for the Venaria Reale complex

Project Quote

"Every LED has been positioned on the crown in a specific, carefully calculated position and aimed so it focuses on a particular part of the square. When we realised that we didn't need to cover the entire crown with LEDs, we decided that we wouldn't put any where they weren't strictly needed. So, in the end, the crown became like a piece of the sky: like the stars that don't have a specific order in the celestial sphere. In the same way, the LEDs don't have a specific order on the crowns that illuminate the square.”"

Michele De Lucchi

About Project

The Venaria Reale Unesco World Heritage Site is located at the centre of the Piedmont Royal Residences circuit and is connected to the Turin Royal Palace complex and museum system.

The main ticket office and information point for the estate is located in Piazza della Repubblica, the square that stands in front of the palace gates.

The square is a sort of introduction to the complex and owing to its importance, in 2011, the architect Michele de Lucchi designed a new luminaire that would fit in perfectly with the historical and artistic setting of the Savoy estate. So as not to alter the traditional image of the square, project requirements stipulated that any new luminaires had to be located in the same position as the traditional lampposts. The new device therefore had to light the square and the facades of the buildings as well as having a distinctive design that would be recognisable from all angles. The result was a pole-mounted luminaire with eight clearly defined optics that lights the entire square elegantly and evenly thanks to what the architect calls a "crown". This distinctive shape on which the new design is based, recalls both the great estate's history and the royal heads of the people who lived there. Thanks to its circular design it is also the ideal housing for the LEDs that are distributed around its rim.

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  • Year:
  • Client:
    “La Venaria Reale” consortium
  • Architectural project:
    Michele De Lucchi

Project Quote

"Every LED has been positioned on the crown in a specific, carefully calculated position and aimed so it focuses on a particular part of the square. When we realised that we didn't need to cover the entire crown with LEDs, we decided that we wouldn't put any where they weren't strictly needed. So, in the end, the crown became like a piece of the sky: like the stars that don't have a specific order in the celestial sphere. In the same way, the LEDs don't have a specific order on the crowns that illuminate the square.”"

Michele De Lucchi

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